9th installment of masterclass
On the 23rd of this April, Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival DIMFF’23 arranged the masterclass of their ninth installment. The masterclass was conducted through the online platform zoom.
Every year, DIMFF organizes several masterclasses with the aim of introducing students from schools, colleges and universities interested in filmmaking to various branches of the vast world of film. In this, domestic and international filmmakers and experts participated in direct discussions with the students and presented their views on films and shared bits of their own filmmaking journey.
Film producer and director Mr. Abid Mallick conducted the masterclass titled ‘Nirmatar Bahurup: Directing Artists’. He discusses in detail about the art of communication for getting the perfect work from the artists in accordance with the character of the story.
He said, “the main job of a director is to fully utilize an artist’s potential. The more work he can put in, the better the results will be”. Besides, he also included the importance of paying proper attention to mental health.
He further added, “if the producer wants the actors to give their best then that environment has to be ensured. Never disturb their attention in any way. It should be kept in mind that they are human beings like us, not robots”. A question and answer session was organized shortly after where the participants interacted with the expert and asked various questions related to the film and the production.
Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival has been held every year since 2015 with the slogan “New generation, new technology, new communication”. The deadline for submission of films in five different categories for the 9th season is 24 September 2022.